There was a huge article earlier this year in New York Magazine about the rock star wholesale butcher of the Big Apple, Pat LaFreida, and his magical grinds and blends for some of Manhattan’s top burger bars and restaurants – including New York’s answer to Taylor’s Refresher, Shake Shack – in which much fuss was made about his using aged meat and added bone dust (are they kidding?!).
Two major thoughts screamed out at me.
First, I’m not eating aged meat that might have bits of what happily grows on its outside – unless it’s a steak, my food hits the fire, and burns really, really hot. Grind and mix it in and who knows if it cooks enough for my delicate insides.
And second; huh?! Manhattan chefs don’t blend and grind their own?! No wonder people love Bay Area cooking.
Full article here
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